
Religious Program

Religious Program - Religion

Photo: The Living Rosary

Religion should be an integral facet of every Catholic school. The teaching of our Catholic Faith is the number one priority at St. Joseph. The school employs a religion coordinator, Mrs. Ellen Dyer, to coordinate the Religion Department. The administration, faculty, and staff of the school are practicing Catholics who are firm believers in Catholic education. All teachers participate in adult religion classes offered by the Diocese of Baton Rouge and most hold certifications from the program.

Every student at St. Joseph receives instruction in the Faith as part of their daily schedule.

Religion, however, involves more than classroom study. This is evidenced in the loving and caring relationships of our school community each and every day.

The physical surroundings at St. Joseph also reflect our presence of Faith with statues, pictures, religious articles, and classroom prayer corners as constant reminders of our committment.

Prayers by Heart

Religion Prayers by Heart