Newsletter (Archived): Newsletter 998 - Apr 17, 2013 - Apr 24, 2013 [Archive]
Psalm 66
R. Let all the earth cry out to God with joy.Shout joyfully to God, all the earth,
sing praise to the glory of his name;
proclaim his glorious praise.
Say to God, “How tremendous are your deeds!”
R. Let all the earth cry out to God with joy.
“Let all on earth worship and sing praise to you,
sing praise to your name!”
Come and see the works of God,
his tremendous deeds among the children of Adam.
R. Let all the earth cry out to God with joy.
He has changed the sea into dry land;
through the river they passed on foot;
therefore let us rejoice in him.
He rules by his might forever.
R. Let all the earth cry out to God with joy.
From the Principal
Dear Parents,
There are a lot of people to thank and congratulate this week.
I promised to recognize the students who performed so well on the Duke Talent Identification Program. There were nine students who qualified to take the test. Qualifiers needed a 95th percentile in language arts, reading, or math on the Terra Nova.
Abby Anderson, Kade Bleakley, Brennan Currier, Hannah Henderson, Olivia Maurer, Mallory Pecoraro, Joseph Pellettieri, Lane Pierson and Kaylon Willoughby qualified.
Six students are being recognized in a State Recognition Program at Northwestern in Nachitoches: Abby, Brennan, Olivia, Joseph, Lane, and Kaylon. These students are being invited to special programs for summer study.
For the first time since I have been principal at St. Joseph, one of our students, Brennan Currier (above), was invited to Duke for the Grand Recognition Ceremony. Brennan qualified for Grand Recognition with a 29 in science. This is a special accomplishment.
Five St. Joseph students had composite scores between 20 and 24. The students took the same test and were scored the same as juniors and seniors testing for the university.
The St. Joseph Girl’s Softball Team completed their undefeated season with a 4-0 victory over Oak Forrest. Eighth graders: Courtney Curtis, Camryn Flanagan; seventh graders: Allie Anderson, Jayden Berthelot, Jourdan Cheek, Karlee Kraft, Kennedy Martin, Taylor Raiford, Malory Vining; and sixth grader Samantha Wisecarver comprised the team. Karlee Kraft pitched a shutout. The girls followed the basketball team to an undefeated season. They finished 14-0. Special thanks to the volunteer coaches Kenny Kraft, Shari Amerson, Bryce Vining, and Justin Berthelot.
Finally, a thank you goes out to those who worked the Strawberry Fest Parking. My understanding the net from the parking will be about $12,000.00. Thanks to all who helped: David Owens, Chris Wisecarver, Ryan LeSaicherre, Melissa Maurer, Sean Benoit, Lynette Currier, Melissa Higgs, Brandy Boudreaux, Veronica Pierson, Shannon Noda, Joey Anderson, Eric Thibodeaux, Eric Miller, Brandon Perrin. Special thanks go to Crystal Smith and her sister Ashley Loupe. These ladies worked every shift both days! Many, many thanks also to Jeff Schmitt, our parking chairman. These wonderful volunteers did a fantastic job with this most important fundraiser!
I want to thank the following seventh grade boys for helping clean up after the parking. They were moving the cones and cement blocks and bringing them back to the containers for storage: Kade Bleakley, Trey Campbell, Michael Dickson, Kaleb Kraemer, Lane Peirson, and Alex Wisecarver. They were cooperative and helpful.
-- Dr. Gerard Toups
Calendar for the Week
Thursday, April 18Home & School Meeting @ 6:30 p.m. in the Gym
Friday, April 19
Mass @ 8:30 - All are invited to attend.
Spirit Dress
Crusaders Announced
Softball Pictures
Monday-Friday, April 22-26
Eighth Grade Trip
Monday, April 22
Field Trip (3rd Grade)
Tuesday, April 23
Last Day to Vote for H&S Officers (see Edline)
Field Trip (3rd Grade)
Wednesday, April 24
Field Trip (2nd Grade)
Midquarter Reports
Friday, April 26
Mass @ 8:30 - All are invited to attend.
Spirit Dress
Track Pictures for Sub Elementary & Elementary Students
Monday, April 29
Track Pictures for Middle & Junior High
Tuesday, April 30
Athletic Banquet @ 7:00
Wednesday, May 1
Tuition for 2013-2014 Due to the Office
Loan Papers for 2013-2014 Due to the Office
May Birthdays
Duke TIP Scholars
Congratulations to the 7th grade students who performed so well on the Duke Talent Identification Program. There were nine students who qualified to take the test. Qualifiers needed a 95th percentile in language arts, reading, or math on the Terra Nova.
Pictured seated from left are Kaylon Willoughby, Hannah Henderson, Olivia Maurer, and Abby Anderson. Standing from left are Joseph Pellettieri, Brenna Currier, Lane Pierson, and Kade Bleakley.
Six students are being recognized in a State Recognition Program at Northwestern in Nachitoches: Abby, Brennan, Olivia, Joseph, Lane, and Kaylon. These students are being invited to special programs for summer study.
For the first time since I have been principal at St. Joseph, one of our students, Brennan Currier, was invited to Duke for the Grand Recognition Ceremony. Brennan qualified for Grand Recognition with a 29 in science. This is a special accomplishment.
Five St. Joseph students had composite scores between 20 and 24. The students took the same test and were scored the same as juniors and seniors testing for the university.
NIAL Softball Champs
Pictured seated from left are Mallory Vining, Taylor Raiford, Jourdan Cheek, Jayden Berthelot, and Samantha Wisecarver.
Standing from left are Hailee Laylee, Courtney Curtis, Camry Flanagan, Karlee Kraft, Kennedy Martin, and Allie Amerson.
We are so proud of our girls!
PHS National Honor Society
Congratulations to the St. Joseph alumni who are new members of the PHS National Honor Society!Inducted April 15, were juniors Aaron Basso, Austin Henderson, Brody Pinion, and Timothy Poche. Also inducted were sophomores Shelby Bagby, Leah Dahmer, Bethany Herrick, Danita Majeau, Sarah Ryals, Krystal Waddell, and Raylea Willoughby.
They join seniors Faith Allen, Scott Felder, Taylor Ransom, Nathan Waller, Luke Yoes, and juniors Colleen Atkins, Elizabeth Ford, John Kraft, and Alexandra LeSaicherre.
We are proud of the achievements of our grads!
Library Book Round-up
It’s time to go on a hunt and round-up those missing books! Search under the bed, in your closet, in your cubby, and in your desk. We understand if you are still reading for AR, but if you aren’t please return the books that you no longer need.
If library books are not returned by the end of the year, they will be considered lost and a fee will be assessed.
Library Dates to Remember:
Last day for AR tests Fri., May 3
8th grade books due Mon., May 6
1st-7th grade books due Fri., May 10
Home & School Officers Ballot
It's time to vote for the St. Joseph Home & School Association officers for the 2013-2014 school year!Please visit Edline to cast your vote for our new leaders.
The survey will be open through the end of the day Tuesday, April 23.
Thank you in advance for your participation.
Catholic Identity Survey
From our Superintendant of Catholic Schools, Diocese of Baton Rouge - Dr. Melanie Verges:In an effort to improve system practices and contribute to the data set for accreditation, the Diocese of Baton Rouge is conducting a Catholic Identity Defining Characteristics Survey of various stakeholders.
Much the same as with the academic surveys taken earlier this year, principals are asked to send survey links to respective stakeholders and reminders so that responses are received.
The surveys will be open through April 30.
Survey Links:
Parent & Community Survey:
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance.
Dr. Mel
Cafeteria News
The cafeteria wants to remind parents of the following important deadlines:Last day to accept checks in the cafeteria: May 3
Payments to cafeteria must be cash or money order after this date.
Deadline for refund request forms to the cafeteria: May 17
Last day for online payments: May 31
Please contact Mrs. Gwen Klein, cafeteria manager, with questions: 985-386-8075.
Sock Hop - May 3
Mark your calendars!
The final sock hop of the year will be held in the gym on Friday, May 3. This is for students in 5th-8th grades.
Look for details to follow next week.
2013-2014 Tuition Due Wednesday, May 1
The deadline is coming up soon!
Tuition for the 2013-2014 school year is due to the school office on Wednesday, May 1. The technology fee is also due at this time.
Loan papers for tuition (including the technology fee) are also due to the school office on Wednesday, May 1.
Community News
CAMP KATERIRegister your child @ for Camp Kateri!
$450 Overnight or $295 day camp.
Join Camp Kateri this summer for swimming, fishing, canoeing, arts and crafts, talent shows, campfires, singing, and much, much more!
Camp Sessions are June 23-28 and July 14-19.
Camp is open to ages 7-13.
More information is available by contacting 225-294-5039.
Proceeds benfit the Mike Darouse St. Thomas Aquinas High School Scholarship Fund and the Esophageal Cancer Action Network
Scheduled for Saturday, May 11 - Start Time 9:00 a.m. @ Cate Square
Registration/Check in - 8:00 a.m.
$25/person for pre-registration
$20/person for senior citizens and any military members
$30/person for all day of race
Register at ..
For more information, please contact 985-974-4419 or
Summer Memberships -
Looking for a healthy and fun alternative for your family this summer? Oak Knoll Country Club is offering a special summer family membership jut for you! Available from Memorial Day through Labor Day (May 25 - September 2).
Enjoy unlimited swimming, tennis, and golf for the entire fmaily for only $300 (cart fee additional).
Pool memberships also available for only $150 per family.
Discounted rates for pool parties are also available to summer members.
Tennis and golf camps as well as golf lessons are also offered.
Contact Michele at or call the office at 985-345-2387 extension 1 for further details.
June 17-20 @ 9:00-noon
for girls ages 5-10 and boys ages 5-10
St. Joseph Gym
Cost before June 3 is $65. Cost after June 3 is $75.
Each camper will receive a camp t-shirt and basketball.
For additional information, please contact Kristi Gill @ 985-507-4778.
Registration forms are available in the school office.
for grades K-4th
Phonics, long-word decoding, fluency, comprehension, love of reading
Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. and Saturday 7:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
For more information or to register, please call 1-800-964-9974.
A special summer pgoram has beend esigned to continue Girl Scouting throughout the year. Girls Scout Day Camp means adventure, exploration, and fond memories for the girls and volunteers alike. Camp offers girls an opportunity to develop their full individual potential through value-based programs which will include arts and crats, games, songs, camping skills, and water fun. Junior and above will have the option of overnight camping on Wednesday. Your daughter will not want to miss this great opportunity.
July 8-12 @ 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Girl Scout Camp Whispering Pines, Independence
for all girls entering K through 12th grade. Girls are welcome to register with a friend. Girls who are not a registered Girl Scout must register as a Girl Scout at the time of Day Camp Registration.
Cost is $50 per registered Girl Scouts or $62 per NON-Girls Scouts (includes $12 registration fee).
For more information, please contact Katherine Mott @ 985-386-2478 or Rachel Cowell @ 985-507-7819.
Registration forms are in the office.
Enrichment for academically gifted/advanced students.
for students in grades 1-6 (2012-2013 school year)
Students must be enrolled in a gifted program or be recommended by a teacher.
Monday-Thursday, 8:30-12:30 June 10-27
Southeastern Louisiana University Laboratory School
$175 per child or $160 per child if registereing multiple children from the same household.
Capacity is 15 students per grade level for 60 students total - first come, first serve policy.
For additional information or applications, please contact Dr. Susan Zimlich @ or 985-549-5083.
Parish News
PersonnelFr. Cayet Mangiaracina, O.P. - Parochial Vicar and Administrator
Fr. David K. Seid, O.P, - In Residence
Larry J. Melancon - Deacon
Mike Agnello - Deacon
Dr. M.J. "Dutch" Schanzbach - Deacon
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil Mass - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Mass - 8:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m.
Contact Information
Address - 255 North 8th Street (P.O. Box 368), Ponchatoula, LA 70454
Phone - 985.386.3749
Website -
See Old News: Archive