This time of year is full of many emotions. As Christians are reminded that we are so blessed to have Jesus born to save the world. It is amazing and incomprehensible that God loves us this much. This is also a time filled with happiness, sadness, new and old memories. We ask you to pray with us during this special time for our families who have lost loved ones recently and for all of our SJS families to embrace the many blessings we have been given.
We pray that everyone rejoices in the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of Jesus and we look forward to a prosperous 2019.

Friday, December 21st

Friday, December 21st – Christmas Program and Parties

7:35 am School begins

8:45 am Christmas Program begins in the gym

(the gates will not be open until 8:20 for visitors to enter campus)

10:00am Classroom Christmas parties

11:15am Dismissal

***Students may wear red, green, or Christmas shirts w/jeans

***There will be NO AFTER SCHOOL CARE

Please keep Mrs. Rhonda (our cafeteria manager) and her family in your prayers. Her husband unexpectedly passed away this week due to a heart condition.

Tickets are in!

SJS Pelican's Night
Pelican's Tickets are ready for pick up in the office.
Wednesday, December 19 (till 3:30pm)
Thursday, December 20 (7:15am - 3:30pm)
Friday, December 21 (7:15am - 11:00am)

Congratulations to 2nd grader Ella LaCroix and 7th grader Bailey Garcia for being chosen as December Crusaders of the Month!!! Both were recognized at assembly and presented with a basket of goodies donated by Berrytown Produce!

Congratulations to 4th grader Aubrey Speights! Her artwork was chosen from all the schools in the Diocese of Baton Rouge to be used on the cover of the Diocese of Catholic Schools Christmas card. Dr. Melanie Verges, Superintendent of Catholic Schools, presented her with a framed copy of her card and other goodies during morning assembly. Pictured L to R is Aubrey, Mrs. Ragusa, and Dr. Verges.

Christmas Break!

December 24th - January 4th - Christmas Holidays

Students Return

January 7 - Students return - NO BUSES

What's Happening?

Counseling Update

As we finish up this semester, here’s what has been going on throughout the 2nd quarter in counseling guidance lessons. Here are the topics that your children have been introduced to and are continuing to practice each day. 1st and 2nd graders have learned about Feeling and Emotions. They have also had lessons on Listening and Following Directions. 3rd graders have focused on Tattling and Self-Esteem. 4th grade has had lessons on Self-Control, Controlling Impulses, and Spreading Kindness. 5th graders have learned about Attitudes and Emotions and Spreading Kindness. 6th- 8th graders have learned about being Grateful and Spreading Kindness. These topics are all things your child should be familiar with from this quarter. As we continue through the school year, you can expect your child to continue to learn more about how they can grow socially, emotionally, academically, and spiritually through classroom guidance lessons.

1/25/19 Sockhop (5th-8th)
2/1/19 Father / Daughter Dance
More info to come.

Please Save

We are in need of empty tins to store cookies for the St. Joseph Altar. Turn them in after the first of the year.

All sizes are welcome.

Pop Tabs

PreK is collecting pop tabs as their service project for the year to help our local Ronald McDonald House! Please help us by collecting pop tabs from beverage cans, vegetable cans, etc. Please help us make this a worthwhile project by sending your pop tabs to the office in a ziplock bag. At the end of the school year, our pop tab donation will be delivered to the Ronald McDonald House in New Orleans. Thanks for helping make this a great service project!

Our word of the week is Peace.
Bible Verse: " The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace." Psalm 29:11

Looking Ahead

December 21 - Chrismas Program

December 21 - Half Day - 11:15 Dismissal

December 21 - End of Second Quarter

December 21 - End of 2nd Quarter AR

December 24th - January 4th - Christmas Holidays

January 7 - Students return - NO BUSES

January 8 - January Birthdays

January 9 - Report Cards

January 11 - Honor Roll Breakfast - Students only

See Old News: Archive