2019-2020 School Calendar

2019-2020 School Calendar

Beginning of School Dates

Beginning of School Dates:

August 7th - Supply Drop Off 2-4pm
August 8th - 1st day of school for 1st - 8th grade
August 9th - Back to School Dance (**6th - 8th grade only)

"Back to School" Hair

REMINDER*** - You have only three weeks to get your "Back to School" hair ready!! Per the handbook:

  • Hair is to be well-groomed and not unusual or drastic in style. Hair is to be of the student’s natural color (no highlights).
  • Girls - Hair accessories are to be simple and not distractive. Hair accessories are to match the school uniform. This includes all colors visible in the school plaid. Hair may not be longer than the eyebrows in front.
  • Boys - Hair may not touch the collar in the back and the full ear must be visible on the sides without pulling the hair behind the ears. Hair may not be longer than the eyebrows in front.

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