Newsletter (Archived): November 29th Newsletter - Nov 29, 2023 - Dec 7, 2023 [Archive]
November Crusaders
Congratulations to 3rd grader Barry Mince and 8th grader Lily Perrin for being chosen as our November Crusaders of the Month. The students were recognized at assembly and presented with a certificate and basket of goodies donated by Berrytown Produce. We are so proud of these students.
December Birthdays
December 12 - December Birthdays free dress. - Please check the handbook for birthday free dress guidelines.
Our word of the week is Thankful.
Bible Verse:
“Everything you say and everything you do should be done for Jesus your Lord. And in all you do, give thanks to God the Father through Jesus.” Colossians 3:17
Looking Ahead!
December 2 - Breakfast with Santa
December 8 - Mass - Feast of the Immaculate Conception
December 10 - Christmas Bingo
December 12 - December Birthdays
December 19 - 21 - Exams - 6th-8th
December 22 - Christmas Program and Parties - 11:15 Dismissal
December 22 - End of 2nd Quarter
December 23 - January 5 - Christmas Holidays
January 8 - Students return to school
See Old News: Archive