6th - 8th

Middle School Exam Schedule
6th Grade
12/16 Monday - Math
12/17 Tuesday - ELA & Science
12/18 Wednesday - Social Studies
7th Grade
12/16 Monday - ELA
12/17 Tuesday - Math & Social Studies
12/18 Wednesday - Science
8th Grade
12/16 Monday - Social Studies
12/17 Tuesday - Science & ELA/English 1
12/18 Wednesday - Math/Algebra 1

2nd Quarter AR

Wednesday - December 18th - 2nd Quarter AR ends.

December 19th

Thursday - December 19th - End of 2nd Quarter

December 19th

8:20 - Gates will open for visitors to report to the gym.
8:45 - Christmas Program begins. Christmas parties begin as soon as the program is over.
11:15 - Dismissal


Track Coaches Needed

Our school is looking for 2-3 parents that would be interested in coaching track and field this upcoming spring season. Practices are held at PHS in the evenings. The meets are usually local (SLU, PHS or STA) on week nights and some weekends (a Saturday morning). There are usually just a handful of meets that our school attends, usually between 6-8 meets total.

We will offer track and field to all 5th-8th graders and would need at least 2 coaches. Some events are at the same time and it is too difficult for the kids to find their event on their own or with just one coach. Two or 3 coaches will need to spread out at the meets to help assist getting the students to their events.

If you are interested or have further questions, please contact Emily Ballard at ewaddell@sjscrusaders.org

Christmas Break

December 20 - January 5

Students return to school on Monday, January 6th.

Our word of the week is Hopeful.

Bible Verse:

“In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.” John 1:4

“In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.” John 1:4

December 2024

December 2024.pdf

Looking Ahead

December 16- 18 - Exams - 6ht - 8th
December 18 - 2nd Quarter AR Ends
December 19 - Christmas Program - 11:15 Dismissal
December 19 - 2nd Quarter Ends
December 20 - January 5 - Christmas Break
January 6 - Students return to school

See Old News: Archive